








乙:在我们好看的节目上演之前,首先请我们的XXX致开幕词 XXX讲话„.



甲:串烧歌曲余音绕梁,但圣诞老人的舞者已迫不及待,欢迎他们带来的舞蹈《圣诞GO GO GO》

乙:精灵般的舞蹈是圣诞老人到来的前奏,当舞步渐渐远去时,我们就要静静的倾听圣诞老人的声音,请欣赏情景剧《senta talk》 甲:月寒玉兔暖人意,日照金龙跃渊时。 兔年即将悄悄过去,而我们的同学依然会像小兔子一样可爱快乐。龙年即将缓缓到来,愿我们的小朋友明天会像小金龙一样腾飞万里,下面请欣赏舞蹈《亲亲小兔子》

乙:真心的祝愿我们可爱的小兔子们茁壮成长,去寻找属于他们自己的那一片红色的田野,幸福的生活。下面请欣赏童话剧《reddish field》


乙:我们的老师也不简单哦,同样也有拿手节目,这不,他们要带来一首诗歌朗诵,《 》




乙:祖国是一个大的花园,老师是辛勤的园丁,而这一切都是为了让花朵都成为未来之星,并且在成为未来之星的历程上充满快乐。请欣赏舞蹈《 》





乙:在这一刻,我们共同开启了新年的门窗,眺望那新的风光 甲:在这一刻,我们共同谱写下新春的希望,期待那新的篇章


Dear teachers, students:

Everybody, good evening.

A: Christmas bell, on the New Year has doors and Windows; B: gorgeous fireworks, already lit the spring of hope. A: white season, we get together warm school;

B: beautiful moment, we creat beautiful chapter.

A: please allow me today announced the party started B: in our good program before on, first please our Dear Principal do an opening speech .

A: thank excellent speech, we believe that the kindergart will lead to glory

B: believe that everybody must know, have a kind of food that you, eat up is sweet and delicious. And there is a

performance also called, spun sounds refreshing. Next, please enjoy songs, spun performers:...

A: string songs lingering, but Santa Claus dancer already can‘t wait, they is likely the class two students from, they bring welcome dance

B: as fairy dance is Santa Claus coming prelude, when steps faded away, we will still listen to the voice of the Santa Claus, please enjoy drama

A: month cold moon warm intention, sunshine JinLongYue abyss. Rabbit will quietly in the past, and our children will still be like small rabbit as lovely as happy. The dragon is slowly coming, let our children as small as jinlong tomorrow off miles, please enjoy the dance


B: our teachers also not simple oh, also had the best program, it‘s not, they will bring a poetry reading,

A: the poetics picture, look at the teachers of a read them, our students are ready, don’t know and they will bring us what don’t you? Let‘s wait and see.

B: the students of modern dance and the wonderful, reveal the vigorous, fashionable. But whether poetry or dancing, all have a common yearning, that is a fairy tale, please enjoy a fairy tale

A: Cinderella finally took the prince’s hand, to happiness, and in fairy tale the king only a prince, a happiness. In the reality of our country, but there are a lot of happiness, and a lot of stories waiting for us. So let‘s sing together

B: the country is a big garden, the teacher is hard gardener, and all of this is to let the flower all be a star of the future, and be a star of the future in the course is full of happiness. Please enjoy the dance

A: the student’s programs let wonderful one by one, let us Santa can see out and forgot to send gift, now Santa Claus will begin to send gift!... Please enjoy the dance

B: Christmas as western traditional festival in China, more and more be taken seriously, because the cultural no borders, also, art and no borders, we might as well in this festival on the stage of the performance of our traditional art programs, please enjoy the dance

A: the country is the set of 56 ethnic groups, each nation has its own art, use art to express your heart, please enjoy Tibetan dance

A: all teachers and students, our party to the drawing to a close, but our joy continues

B: at this moment, we opened the doors and Windows in the New Year, overlooking the new scenery

A: at this moment, we jointly compose the New Years hope under, looking forward to the new chapter Match: last word (friends, let us see next year)

莲山课件 原文地址:http://www.5ykj.com/shti/san/95011.htm


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