
中英双语] CNN :中国精通科技的90后将如何影响这个国家的未来?

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[中英双语] CNN:中国精通科技的90后将如何影响这个国家的未来?

由 皇帝的新衣 » 2010-07-20 17:20

2010年7月20日 星期二

原文:CNN: How will China's tech-savvy, post-90s generation shape the nation?

译文:CNN: 中国精通科技的90后一代将如何影响这个国家的未来?

原文:Lara Farrar

发表时间:2010年7月19日 3:14 a.m. EDT






* 精通科技的中国年轻人正在成为被研究得越来越多的一个群体;

* 被称为是“90后”的这一代人对中国起伏跌宕的过去没有记忆;

* 他们是热心的社交媒体和互联网用户;

* 一些社会评论者批评“90后”这一代懒惰、缺乏道德感;

北京,中国(CNN )——在中国,被称为“90后”的一代被贴上了懒惰、困惑、自私、脑残、总体无望等多个标签。出生在1990年的这一代人今天大多是十几岁的少男少女。

而不管90后到底是什么,至少有一点可以确定,他们与他们的前辈不同:他们 对中国过去的动荡历史没有记忆,相反,他们所经历的中国处于由不可遏制的消费主义和全球化支撑的经济快速发展的时期。

北京的一位网络分析人士Frank Yu说,“他们所了解的生活只是中国在崛起、正变得富裕。”





Kevin Lee,北京的一家研究公司“青年志”的首席运营官说,“当他们离开网络看到现实世界后,他们没有看到什么变化,这让他们在头脑中形成了巨大的落差。”




“在网络上,他们有机会成为独立的个体,”同样来自于“青年志”的Zakfa Zhang说.


中国的少男少女们在网上表现自己的方式各异,他们会挂在各种社交网站上,例如开心网、人人网等,会在微博上留言,以及使用很流行的即时通讯工具腾讯QQ 或Qzone 、在线论坛。

在这类平台上,他们还会组成“部落”或“圈子”,有的“部落”甚至会吸纳数千名成员,相互之间用“火星文”进行交流。“最精确地定义了90后的亚文化的‘火星文’是一种‘脑残体’写作,这其实是用最为费解的文字来书写标准汉语,”上海的互联网分析家和博客Fifty 5作者Adam Schokora 这么说。



——互联网分析家Frank Yu

年轻的女孩还会经常贴一些类似卡通形象的照片,撅着嘴,PS 后的大大的眼睛(如同动画片中的人物),戴着粗框眼镜,性感,穿着日韩式样的布娃娃风格、动漫风格或颓废风格的衣服。


在博客ChinaHush 上一篇题为“90后的一系列脑残行为”的帖子里展示出十几岁孩子网上张贴的一些最令人震惊的与性有关的内容:“对90后的总体印象是这些孩子们‘失控了’,‘行为很糟糕’„„‘脑子有问题’,‘过早地有了性行为’。”这篇帖子里说。








按照Yu 的说法,罢工至少要部分地归功于“果冻一代”(另一个用来形容90后的词)和他们的自由放任、独立和对生活的创业精神。

Yu 说,“他们对于工作的地方更为挑剔。”

《数字化成长:网络世代改变世界》的作者Don Tapscott认为,90后的一代比前辈们更加有创业精神。 “是的,他们会影响将来的变化,并且他们与父辈们相比,有着完全不同的文化”。他说道,“网络上发生的事情会变成现实,因为它的确会促使在现实中的行为发生变化”。 皇帝的新衣

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Re: [中英双语] CNN:中国精通科技的90后将如何影响这个国家的未来?

由 皇帝的新衣 » 2010-07-20 17:22

原文: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/07/18/china.post90s.generation/index.html

Beijing, China (CNN) -- Lazy, promiscuous, confused, selfish, brain damaged and overall hopeless are all labels that have been given to China's so-called

post-90s generation, or those who were born after 1990 who are now mostly in their teens today.

Whatever the post-90s are, one thing for certain is they are different from those born before them: they have no memory of China's tumultuous past, instead only experiencing it as a country with rapid economic growth underscored by rampant consumerism and globalization.

"They have only known a life in China that is rising and affluent," Frank Yu, a Beijing-based internet analyst, said.

"They are considered a wild card generation. They are very aggressive and outward looking and are pretty

confident because they never felt hardship."

And they are also the first generation that has grown up with the internet. And it is there, online, where they live lives that are a marked departure from age-old cultural norms that remain ingrained in Chinese society today.

In the virtual world they learn how to be leaders, to solve interpersonal conflicts.

--Han Yinbo, author

"When they turn away from the internet and look at the real world and they see that nothing has changed, there is this huge disconnect in their minds," said Kevin Lee, chief operating officer for China Youthology, a Beijing-based research firm.

"Their minds are in this internet way of thinking, and when their real world is not even moving, not even budging, they feel powerless. And so where do they escape? They go back to the internet."

The Web is one of the few, if only places, where those who are not post-90s can see their sometimes radical behavior, try to communicate with them and attempt to figure out who, exactly, they are and what, exactly, they are thinking.

"On the internet, they have the chance to be

individuals," said Zakfa Zhang, also with China Youthology.

"It is a totally new space for the youth to feel

independent. They can criticize anyone, and no one will tell them they are wrong, and they can express

themselves online without many restrictions."

The ways in which China's teens express themselves online vary. They hang out on Chinese social networks, like Kaixin001 and Renren, post comments on microblogs as well as use Tencent's highly popular instant

messaging service QQ and Qzone, its social networking site and other online bulletin boards.

On these platforms, they form what some have described as "tribes" or "clans" that can consist of thousands of members communicating via "Martian" language.

"The 'Martian' dialect most closely identified with the post-90s alternative subculture is 'brain-damaged writing', which is essentially standard Mandarin

written using the most obscure characters possible," writes Adam Schokora, a Shanghai-based internet analyst on the blog Fifty 5.

The post-90s virtual world is also characterized by the photos and videos they share online.

They are considered a wild card generation. They are pretty confident because they never felt hardship. --Frank Yu, internet analyst

Young women often post cartoon-like pictures of

themselves with pursed lips, Photoshop-enlarged eyes (to appear more like an animated characters) while

wearing chunky glasses, sexy, doll-like clothing or goth and punk styles borrowed from Japan and Korea.

"They want to show off: 'I am beautiful. I am special. I am a star,'" Zhang said.

A post on the blog China Hush titled "A Series of

Post-90s Generation's Bad Behaviors" shows some of the more shocking sexual content the teen post online: "The general impression is Post-90s kids are 'out of

control,' behaving badly'...'have mental problems' and are 'engaging in sexual activities way too early,'" the post says.

Not everyone views their behavior so negatively.

"In the virtual world, they learn how to be leaders, to solve interpersonal conflicts," said Han Yinbo, co-author of "An Exploding Internet Revolution."

"These online activities make them more mature, give them more options and enlarge their visions. Former

generations didn't enjoy such colorful worlds. Their understanding of the outside is limited and


"Society views us as wanting to be different, wanting to be full of personality and full of individuality and wanting to be creative in not a good way," said Lin Li, an 18-year-old student at Fudan University in Shanghai.

"We see the society as our enemy a little bit. We do not want to be so conventional because we think all of these things are old and especially in China we need some big changes. Maybe we want to take this

responsibility even though we might not have a really clear goal or aim for the future," she said.

The impact the post-90s will have in China in the future as they mature into adults and become employees is the question many are now asking.

Some have already begun to trickle into the workforce, specifically in factories, a number of which have

experienced strikes in recent months by young, rural workers unwilling to accept the low wages and poor working conditions of the past.

According to Yu, the strikes can at least partially be attributed to the "jelly generation" (another term used to describe the post-90s) and their laissez faire, independent and entrepreneurial attitude towards life.

"They are more picky about where they work," Yu said.

Don Tapscott, author of "Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World" believes the

post-90s generation are much more entrepreneurial than their elders.

"Yes, they will effect change, and yes, they have a completely different culture than their parents," said Tapscott.

"What happens online does materialize. It does drive behavior change in the real world."


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