

Unit 7

1、Linda has made great progress in her English. She must have been working hard.


2、You should seize the chance to learn some useful skills.


3、Having learnt English for six years, he can now read English novels in the original.

学了六年英语,他现在能够读懂英文原版小说。(in the original)

4、The seniors of the family would sit at the head of a table while having a family dinner—that’s the tradition of the local people.

家庭用餐时,一家的长者(seniors)应坐在桌首,这是当地人的传统。(at the head of)

5、He used to earn his living by writing novels.

他从前是靠写小说来维持生计的。(earn one’s living)

6、Tom rushed into the office, declaring with great joy that they had won the first prize.


7、Alice hasn’t arrived yet. She must have missed the 8:30 train.


8、In this factory, women make up almost 80% of the workers.

在这家工厂,女工占了几乎80%。(make up)

9、Students account for the vast majority of the readers of his novels.

他小说的绝大多数读者是学生。(account for)

10、A good literary work should be able to stand the test of time.


Unit 8

1、She had every reason to think that Mike lied.

她完全有理由相信麦克说了谎。(have every reason to do something)

2、There are many success stories in building up a company. A case in point is Mary’s bookstore.

成功创办企业的例子很多,玛丽的书店就是其中之一。(a case in point)

3、She should have taken a good rest last night. She shouldn’t have stayed up late.

她昨天晚上应该好好休息,不应该熬夜的。(should have)

4、Mark Twain was gifted with a sense of humour.

马克·吐温非常有幽默感。(be gifted with)

5、He wants to buy a house in the country and live in peace after retirement.

他想退休后到乡下买房子,去过一种平静的生活。(in peace)

6、He was accused of robbery.


7、We should bring about a change in attitudes.

我们应当在态度方面有所改变。(bring about)

8、He should have asked for his parent’s advice before he decided to work in that city.

他其实应该听取父母的建议后再去那城市工作的。(should have)

9、On hearing the end of the story, everybody in the room burst out laughing.

一听到这个故事的结尾,屋里所有的人都突然大笑起来。(burst out)

10、They seemed quite friendly, but I quickly saw through them.

虽然他们显得很友好,但是我很快就看穿他们呢了。(see through)


Unit 7

1、Anyone who seizes the pickpocket on Bus No.681 yesterday will be rewarded.


2、A group of students gathered where a notice was put up.

一群学生聚在贴布告的地方。(put up)

3、Relief supplies were rushed to the places where the earthquake struck.


4、Seeing the fish he had carefully prepared was eaten by the cat, he aimed a blow at it.


5、Now lasers can be used to perform many operations which were impossible in the past.


6、After the members of the board of management had taken their place, the meeting started. 董事会的成员们就座后,会议开始了。(take one’s place)

Unit 8

1、An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.

那次地震过后,全城到处是颓垣断壁。(in ruins)

2、After the accident, his boss accused him of neglect of duty.


3、He is gifted with music and can remember every composition that he has listened to.

他很有音乐天赋,能记住听过的每首曲子。(be gifted with)

4、He can speak fluent English and is often mistaken for an America-born Chinese.


5、We can spare no one to help them do some cleaning.


6、He has been missing for three months and the police have every reason to believe he was murdered. 他已经失踪三个月了,警察有足够的理由相信他被谋杀了。(have every reason to do)


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