英文天天写 家庭教育的深思

英文天天写: 家庭教育的深思

作者:沪江英语 来源:沪江部落

《英文天天写》是沪江部落一档写作类节目,其目的在于提升大家的英语写作能力。每期节目主持人都会给出一个话题,积极参加的童鞋还会得到主持人的专业点评哦!想提高英语写作的童鞋千万不要错过哦!去沪江部落订阅本节目! 背景介绍:

This Friday evening I went to watch a thriller named 《咒丝---the deadly strands》, it is not that scary but conveys the concept of the importance of family

relationship in affecting the growing of children. The feeling triggers my thinking about current domestic family education in China. There are quite a few news reported about the tragedy of family education leading to the loss of lives, extreme behaviors in threating public safety. Children do need proper care and guide in their growing up stage and sometimes money cannot buy it.

近期电影惊悚片《咒丝》上映,其引发的对家庭教育的深思值得关注。影片核心表达的寓意是关注家庭关注亲人的在一起。无论你是高官还是高管,无论你是普通职员还是穷苦屌丝,你的根都必须扎在家庭里,只有与亲人在一起,这个家庭才有意义。当亲人的离别在幼小的孩子心里有了阴影,如果不合理的疏导和关注的话,这种离别会让人心理扭曲最终到变态的地步。这个问题绝不容忽视,只有家庭和睦家庭成员俱在这个家庭才是完整的。 话题:

For today's topic, please select one listed below to share your thoughts^^:

1. What are the factors that affect the appropriate family education, discussing either positive or negative side.

2. What good suggestions for improving family relationship and dealing with conflicts?

3. Open question: do you think society or current domestic development causes family tragedy to some extent and share your opinions.


As the increasing attention on family education arises in recent years, the public starts to care about the health in children growing up phase. It is the fact that family relationship do help the good personality build-up for kids and cut down the possibility of mental illness. Personally speaking, communication is the key to strengthen the link in family members and solve the problems due to miscommunication or misunderstanding.

Moreover, frequent family reunion dinner or short trip can enhance the bond of family relationship and demonstrate mutual care or concern towards each other, which definitely forms the positive circumstance and good model example. With the efforts, children will obtain proper guidance and be a responsible person to the family, to the society and to the country.


A harmonious relationship within a household can determine the appropriation of family education. First, parents with high educations don't mean much unless they develop crucial traits such as trust and caring with their children. Second, parents as role models shouldn't pull children into their fights, for it's just embarrassment that adults can't deal with their problems. Third, positive

factors should also include the cooperation between the teachers and parents.

With the parents out of sight, teachers should be the second role models in life. However, it's also beneficial to have mutual friends in children's social group to ensure their spiritual development.


Parents are the first educators of their kids and this position probably take long time. In my opinion, a better teacher usually plays a role like friends rather than critics and this principle is also applicable to parents. As a daughter myself I would like to share a lot with my mom, the most reliable friend in my life. She always consoles me and gives me encouragement. Her words sometimes are like the best for me to cure every pain, sometimes like the to urge me going faster. Because communication is the key point in homeschooling we are more willing to share with our parents if they look like our peers.


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