

A: Let's go to the new restaurant.

B: But I have brought my lunch.

1.In the morning.

At noon.

In the afternoon.

In the evening.

A: Come and taste my homemade salad.

B: I'd love to. But I'm full.

2.She doesn't like salad in general.

She doesn't like the man's salad.

She won't have the salad.

She will take some salad home. >

A: Ann, can I use your computer and printer?

B: Sure ... and what are you going to print?

A: The coupons for the new Italian restaurant. You'll get a 40 percent

B: Oh, that sounds terrific. So are you going to that restaurant for dinner, Tony?

A: Exactly. Me, Emily and John. Are you joining us? Come on, it's cheap

and it's the weekend.

B: Uh ... I am not sure. What do they serve?

A: Pizza, Italian pasta, steak, lamb, chicken, salad ...

B. All right, Tony. I'll not go. The only thing that I can eat is vegetable salad.

A: Why? Hey, I don't know you're a vegetarian.

B: No, I'm not. But I'm on diet every Saturday. That means no meat or oily foods.

A: That's ... strange. You are not overweight and you don't have to. You'd better join us. The more, the merrier. And they say the fried chicken there is very delicious. B: Eh ... I ... I don't know, but ...

A: Don't hesitate anymore. The coupon expires next weekend. B: All right. Okay, you win.

Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

3.Why does Tony want to use Ann's computer and printer?

Because he wants to print out his homework.

Because he wants to print out his book. (岭师分享群391337364发布)

Because he wants to print out his picture.

Because he wants to print out his coupon.


4.At first, Ann refuses to go because _____.

she is on diet that day

she is a vegetarian

she doesn't like Italian food

she doesn't like junk food

5.It is ____ when this conversation takes place. Wednesday





There are lots of legends and stories when it comes to the history of coffee. One of the most popular legends is associated with a boy named Kaldi. One day, when Kaldi was with his goats, he noticed a sudden change in their behavior. The goats turned energetic and Kaldi wanted to know why. Then he saw a wild coffee shrub. Probably his goats had eaten some cherries off this shrub. He was curious and had a taste of the wild cherries himself. Upon feeling energized, he spread the story of these wild cherries in his village. Then it quickly spread between the monks and even the local people. The monks found it very useful because it helped them to stay awake during the night. The Arabs were considered to be the first to grow coffee. They even began the trade. The first coffee plants are said to have come from the shores of the Red Sea. Coffee beans were actually considered to be a food in the past. It was only in the 11th century that coffee began to be developed into a hot drink. The Venetian merchants imported coffee to Europe and by the middle of the 17th century, a number of coffee houses appeared all over the town. A lot of people gathered here to discuss business and to chat. After several centuries, coffee began to be drunk all over the world.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.

6.According to a popular legend, coffee was first discovered by a _____.





7.Kaldi's goats were energetic because _____.

they were having fun

they had drunk coffee

they had eaten the leaves off a coffee shrub

they had eaten the cherries off a coffee shrub

8._____ were considered to be the first to grow coffee. The monks

The Arabs

The Africans


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