
英语单元过关检测试题(Unit 5)

班别 ____________ 姓名 ____________ 座号 ____________ 成绩 ______________

一、译出下列词组(20分): 1、属于__________________________ 2、形成; 组成; 构成________________________ 3、用完; 用光; 耗尽________________________ 4、关掉___________________________ 5、郊游野餐_____________________________


1、writer (同义词)_____________ 2、own (名词)___________ 3、possible (副词)______________ 4、drop (过去式)_________ 5、dishonest (反义词)____________ 6、final (副词)______________ 7、catch (过去式)___________________ 8、happy (反义词)_________________ 9、noise (形容词)___________________ 10、wind (形容词)_________________


( ) 1. —Listen! Helen is singing in the next room. —It _____ be Helen. She has gone to Beijing.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may

( ) 2. He is _____ busy now because he has _____ homework to do.

A. too much : much too B. much too : too much C. too much :too many

( ) 3. There must be something _____ the homes in our neighborhood..

A. visiting B. visits C. to visit

( ) 4. He has bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive.

A. must B. can C. can’t

( ) 5. Be careful the person who talks much, but does little.

A. to B. of C. with

( ) 6. —Whose watch is this? Is it Kate’s?

—I ’m not sure. It be hers.

A. can B. may C. must

( ) 7. There is a _____ of fried chicken in this room. Please open the window!

A. taste B.sound C. smell

( ) 8. He pretended ______ friendly with me.

A. to B. being C.to be

( ) 9. The black bag ____ be Anna’s. Hers is blue.

A. should B. can’t C. mustn’t

( )I0. They were lucky to from the burning car.

A. stop B. leave C. escape

四、同义句转换(20分): 1. The wind is blowing strongly.

the wind is blowing! 2. What other things do you want, sir?

do you want, sir? 3. It’s better to visit a museum than to listen to the radio.

a museum is much better than ___________ to the radio. 4. The book is Carla’s.

The book ____________ ____________ Carla. 5. I think that it is important to master a foreign language.

I find __________ __________ to master a foreign language.


In English (英格兰人) nobody under eighteen years old is allowed (允许) to drink in a bar (酒吧) . Mr Thompson often went to a bar near his house.But he never took his son, Tom, because he was too young.Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time.They drank for an hour.Tom drank a bit.Then Mr Thompson said to his son,“Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson.How do you know when you’ve had enough? Well, I’ll tell you.De you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to become four, you’ve had enough and should go home.”

“But, Dad,”said Tom,“I can only see one light at the end of the bar.” ( ) 1.Young people ______ allowed to drink in a bar until eighteen.

A .is not B .are not C .many D .must

( ) 2.When Tom was a child, his father often went to a nearby bar______ taking him.

A .by B .for C .with D .without

( ) 3.On Tom’s eighteenth birthday, he drank together with his father in that bar for ______.

A .the first time B.once C .many times D .eighteen times

( ) 4.Father wanted to tell his son ______.

A .the time to drink B .something about the light C .when to stop drinking D.something about the bar

( ) 5.In fact (事实上), there ______ at the end of the bar.

A .was one light B .were two lights C .were three lights D .were four lights


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