疯狂主妇台词 第五季 第十一集

Previously on Desperate Housewives Do you do weddings? Those in love took the next step or tried to. I need more from you. Gaby, I can see them. That’s wonderful. Eyes are opened in more ways than one. The key is the doctor guy. Maybe we should just bite the bullet and go to Boston. You break my family and you burn down my business. I didn’t burn down your club. And a threat is made. Someday you will be walking home from school and you will just disappear. There are important events in the history of a family. Joyous births and tragic deaths, sublime weddings. But the one event every family dreads is the moment they finally meet the in-laws.

Mum, this is Alex’s mum. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Likewise, and thanks again fro letting me stay here. I just cannot afford a motel now. Alex mentioned that you were laid off your job. I am so sorry. That’s ok. You know what they say. In a bad economy the mature cocktail waitress is the first to go. Mum, we are going to get your luggage. And you two can get acquainted. That you again for making the long drive down form Oakdale. It ’s high time our families got together. Speaking the family get together, that reminds me. I call Christmas. Now, the boys are getting hitched. We are gonna have to split the holidays. So I call Christmas. Wait. This is not how we decide how family get-togethers. What’s the problems? I am letting you have the thanks-giving. I am a caterer. I oversee events on thanksgiving. It’s the one holiday I don’t need. Stop that. You cannot call all the major holidays. No one has called Easter yet. I am not beating on time with my son. That was not so hard. I know it is very difficult for 2 families to negotiate the holidays but I feel strongly this is not the best way to handle it. I am sure the boys would agree with me. I call the Christmas fair and square. And I wanna spend it with my son. So if you go to the boys and try to screw me over, I will remember that for a really long time. Yes, there are important event in every history of every family. Meeting the in-laws is the one. Have I told you how great you look together? The moment you decide to hate them is another.

There is a lovely home for everyone in suburbia. And a realtor is eager to find you exactly what you want. Whether it is something warm and cozy or something dignified and elegant, perhaps something affordable with a lurch, whatever you taste, everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia. Mostly so the neighbor will never suspect the ugliness going inside. I just got the listing for the Adam’s house. And I think the best way to celebrate is for my sexy husband to take me down. What’s wrong? Are you sick? I just fell like staying in tonight. There is something upsetting you and instead of letting me help, you are shutting me out. I just don’t like to talk about my troubles. And I don’t like sitting at home doing nothing when I feel like dancing. I am sorry you are unhappy. There is something you should know about me. I don’t stay unhappy for a long.

Hey, this is Jackson. I am having fun at the old alma mater. But we need to talk. Only good news, I promise. We moved here to get away from that. I get that. I moved here for you. I have got a deposition. Then I will go clubbing without you. and I will be wearing my not coming home. I am sorry. If you are interested, I have dirt on Bree. You know better than I am. Can I go clubbing with you tonight? You are gonna need somebody to bitch about Bob. You do realize we are going to gay club. And you might want to pile on the makeup.

Okay, we will try something easier. After you left Mrs. Schilling’s club, where did you go first? I don’t recall. Did you maybe drive somewhere? When the Da also has this report, asks you these questions. And you suddenly recall anything. Bob, you have been going at this for an hour, why don’t we take a break? I need to talk to your parents any way. Ok, what’s going on here? Nothing, Porter is just nervous. He is also nervous when I first interviewed him in jail. But he is still able to keep his story straight. Preston, where is my CD player? Parker saw you take it. Mum,

please stop Preston from taking my stuff. You guys have something you want to tell me?

Gaby, you should come. You missed a beautiful walk in the park. Why don’t you wash your hands for lunch? There is so many beautiful things I used to take for granted. You are gonna be late for work. I should have told you before. I don’t want to be massage any more, so I quit the country club. I know this is gonna sound bad, but I was blind and never realized this naked people are gross, especially the middle-aged slobs that belong to the country club. Carlos, you don’t just quit a job because of a few moles and a little back fat. But I can find a work. I now have my vision back, the world is my oyster. And in the meantime, I just want to spend a few days with my daughters, smell the roses, sake in the nature. Like that beautiful spider right there. God’s perfect design. Isn’t that amazing? I will get you the want ads.

What ’s all this? Andrew thought it would be nice to have a formal dinner tomorrow night. It is formal why we are using your grand mother’s tablecloth? She probably pose her nose on it. I don ’t want that woman defile nana’s lace. I know Melina is not what we are hoping for. But let’s face it. Need I remind you of my mother? Well, at least glory had a good taste to paralyze strokes. We don’t have to deal with her. True, that was a merry Christmas. But Melina appears to be in good health, which means we got quite a few drenched holidays ahead of us. You have got to figure some ways to be nice to her. I don’t know if I have any in me. she is such a troglodyte. No one is better at plastering a fake smile and pretending to like someone than Bree. I will pretend to like this woman. Just as I pretended to like nana.

Bob, we are so sorry. We meant to tell you. What the hell is Porter? We don’t know. That’s why we have been postpone the hearing date until we could find him. We have a much bigger problem than the hearing date. What do you mean? Now, I am aware of this. I have a legal obligation to report it. But if the judge finds out that Porter is gone. We have to forfeit the bail. And since my genius wife used our restaurant to post bond, our only source of income would vanish. I feel for you guys and I really do. But I am not getting disbarred over this. We are desperate/ I am meting the Da for the next two days. If you find Porter by then, I won’t say anything. Thank you so much. We are so sorry. Just find him.

Carlos and I did some business back in his finance days. I started my own investment fund. I don ’t know if you heard about Carlos. He had got his sight back. I had no idea. Life is good. Now all we have to do is find him a job. You timing is just perfect here. Do you need someone? As a matter of fact, I do. Think he is interested? I don’t know. I cannot speak for Carlos. It ’s an upper-level position with lots of perks. I am now speaking for Carlos. He will take it. I will kill to have Carlos on my team. The man is a shark. Have him call me.

Sorry, is doctor


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