

职业名称 英/中 职业成长率(10年估计值)

1. Systems Engineer. 系统工程师45%

2. Physician Assistant. 医师助理27%

3. College Professor. 大学教授23%

4. Nurse Practitioner. 护士23%

5. Information Technology Project Manager. IT项目经理16%

6. Certified Public Accountant. 注册会计师18%

7. Physical Therapist. 物理治疗师27%

8. Computer/Network Security Consultant. 计算机/网络安全顾问27%

9. Intelligence Analyst. 情报分析员15%

10. Sales Director. 销售总监10%

11. Anesthesiologist. 麻醉师14%

12. Software Developer. 软件开发员28%

13. Pharmacist. 药剂师22%

14. Occupational Therapist. 职业治疗师23%

15. Nurse Anesthetist. 麻醉护士23%

16. Software Product Manager. 软件产品经理28%

17. Business Analyst. IT. IT业务分析员29%

18. Attorney/Lawyer. 律师11%

19. Physician/General Practice. 全科医师14%

20. Human Resources Manager. 人力资源经理13%

21. Senior Financial Analyst. 高级财务分析师34%

22. Physician/Obstetrician/Gynecologist . 内科/妇产科医师14%

23. Clinical Psychologist. 临床心理学家16%

24. Psychiatrist. 精神科医生14%

25. Veterinarian. 兽医35%

26. Marketing Manager. 市场营销经理14%

27. Speech-Language Pathologist. 言语障碍治疗师11%

28. Technical Writer. 技术材料撰稿人20%

29. Finance Director. 财务总监13%

30. Telecommunications Network Engineer. 电信网络工程师53%

31. Director of Communications. 通讯总监17%

32. Hotel General Manager. 酒店总经理12%

33. Securities Trader. 证券交易员25%

34. Account Executive. 客户经理10%

35. Education/Training Consultant. 教育/培训顾问22%

36. Corporate Paralegal. 公司律师助理22%

37. Quality Control Engineer. 质量管理工程师20%

38. Manufacturing Engineer. 制造工程师20%

39. Computer Software Program Manager. 计算机软件项目经理28%

40. Applications Systems Analyst. 应用系统分析师29%

41. Senior Internal Auditor. 高级内部审计员18%

42. Commercial Property Manager. 商业物业管理15%

43. Creative Director. 创意总监26%

44. Pharmaceuticals Sales Representative. 医药销售代表12%

45. Associate - Investment Banking. 投资银行合伙人34%

46. Training & Development Manager. 培训及发展经理16%

47. Product Marketing Manager. 产品市场经理14%

48. Quality Assurance Manager. 品质保证经理16%

49. Financial Research Analyst. 金融研究分析师34%

50. Outside Sales Representative. 对外销售代表12%


教育:2个 | 工程:3个 | 金融:7个 | 政府:1个 | 医疗:12个 | IT:10个 法律:2个 | 市场营销:7个 | 其他:6个

From the November 2009 issue

Sources: PayScale.com, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conference Board Help Wanted Online Data Series, and MONEY research

* Job growth is estimated for 2006-2016 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 顶薪

1.Securities Trader. 证券交易员 33. $491,000

2.Anesthesiologist1. 麻醉师 11. $408,000

3.Physician/Ob-Gyn. 内科/妇产科医师 22. $338,000

4.Psychiatrist. 精神科医生 24. $279,000

5.Insurance Broker. 保险经纪人 N.A. . $273,000

6.Attorney/Lawyer. 律师 18. $262,000

7.Actuary. 精算师 N.A. . $257,000

8.Sales Director. 销售总监 10. $239,000

9.Personal Financial Advisor. 个人理财顾问 N.A. . $226,000

10.Hospital Administrator. 医院行政管理 N.A. . $222,000

From the November 2009 issue

Notes: All pay data from PayScale.com.

Methodology: We looked at jobs from the top 100 with the highest 10-year growth rate. When there were multiple job titles from the same category, we selected the job with the highest current total employment.

* Median salary is for an experienced worker (at least two to seven years in field). Top pay represents the 90th percentile.

1 Other highly paid M.D. positions include Emergency Room Physician, General Practitioner and General Surgeon.


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 10年增长率 岗位数

1.Telecommunications Network Engineer. 电信网络工程师 30.53%. 21,000

2.Systems Engineer. 系统工程师 1.45%. 88,000

3.Personal Financial Advisor. 个人理财顾问 N.A..41%. 20,000

4.Veterinarian. 兽医 25.35%. 68,000

5.Senior Financial Analyst. 高级财务分析师 21.34%. 127,000

6.Business Analyst, IT. IT商业分析师 17.29%. 125,000

7.Software Development Director. 软件开发总监 N.A. .28%. 12,000

8.Physical Therapist. 物理治疗师 7.27%. 181,000

9.Physician Assistant. 助理医师 2.27%.82,000

10.Computer/Network Security Consultant. 计算机/网络安全顾问 8.27%. 13,000 From the November 2009 issue

Sources: PayScale.com, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conference Board Help Wanted Online Data Series, and MONEY research

Methodology: We looked at jobs from the top 100 with the highest 10-year growth rate. When there were multiple job titles from the same category, we selected the job with the highest current total employment.

* Job growth is estimated for 2006-2016 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 自我低压力评估百分比

1.Education/Training Consultant. 教育/培训顾问 35. 60.0%

2.Physical Therapist. 物理治疗师 7. 59.5%

3.College Professor. 大学教授 3. 59.2%

4.Software Developer. 软件开发员 12. 59.0%

5.Technical Writer. 技术材料撰稿人 28. 56.4%

6.Telecommunications Network Engineer. 电信网络工程师 30. 55.6%

7.Speech-Language Pathologist. 言语障碍治疗师 27. 53.0%

8.Software Architect. 软件设计师 N.A.. 51.6%

9.Occupational Therapist. 职业治疗师 14. 50.0%

10.Civil Engineer. 土木工程师 N.A.. 49.1%

From the November 2009 issue

Source: CNNMoney.com/PayScale.com survey of more than 35,000 workers


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 保障性满意度

1.Emergency Room Physician. 急诊室医生 N.A.. 100.0%

2.General Surgeon. 普通外科医师 N.A.. 100.0%

3.Marketing Manager. 营销部经理 26. 100.0%

4.Nurse Practitioner. 护士 4. 97.3%

5.Software Development Director. 软件开发总监 N.A.. 96.7%

6.Physician Assistant. 医师助手 2. 96.6%

7.Director of Communications. 通讯总监 31. 96.0%

8.Physical Therapist. 物理治疗师 7. 96.0%

9.Speech-Language Pathologist. 言语障碍治疗师 27. 95.6%

10.Attorney/Lawyer. 律师 18. 95.0%

From the November 2009 issue

* Respondents said they think there will either be no change to their pay/hours or they will receive a raise in the next six months.

Source: CNNMoney.com/PayScale.com survey of more than 35,000 workers


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 灵活性满意度

1.Sales Director. 销售总监 10. 43.5%

2.Software Product Manager. 软件产品经理 16. 40.7%

3.Software Development Director. 软件开发总监 N.A.. 40.7%

4.Director of Communications. 通讯总监 31. 34.6%

5.Product Management Director. 产品管理总监 N.A.. 33.3%

6.Software Developer. 软件开发员 12. 32.6%

7.Attorney/Lawyer. 律师 18. 26.6%

8.College Professor. 大学教授 3. 26.5%

9.Human Resources Manager. 人力资源经理 20. 26.4%

10.Certified Public Accountant. 注册会计师 6. 25.3%

From the November 2009 issue

* Respondents said they can determine their own work/vacation schedule on any given day.

Source: CNNMoney.com/PayScale.com survey of more than 35,000 workers


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 高预期百分比

1.Product Management Director. 产品管理总监 N.A.. 93.8%

2.Intelligence Analyst. 情报分析员 9. 87.9%

3.Psychiatrist. 精神科医生 24. 87.5%

4.Business Process/Management Consultant. 业务流程/管理顾问 N.A.. 83.7%

5.Associate - Investment Banking. 投资银行职员 45. 83.3%

6.Nurse Anesthetist. 麻醉护士 15. 83.3%

7.Nurse Practitioner. 护士 4. 80.6%

8.Physician Assistant. 医师助理 2.79.8%

9.Software Product Manager. 软件产品经理 16. 78.6%

10.Physician/Obstetrician/Gynecologist . 内科/妇产科医师 22.77.8%

From the November 2009 issue

Source: CNNMoney.com/PayScale.com survey of more than 35,000 workers


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 综合满意度百分比

1.Nurse Anesthetist. 麻醉护士 15. 94.7%

2.Anesthesiologist. 麻醉师 11. 87.5%

3.Training & Development Manager. 培训及发展经理 46. 84.0%

4.Education/Training Consultant. 教育/培训顾问 35. 80.0%

5.Creative Director. 创意总监 43. 79.2%

6.Nurse Practitioner. 护士 4. 79.0%

7.Human Resources Manager. 人力资源经理 20.78.6%

8.Commercial Property Manager. 商业物业管理 42. 78.6%

9.Intelligence Analyst. 情报分析员 9. 78.1%

10.Occupational Therapist. 职业治疗师 14. 77.1%

From the November 2009 issue

Note: To determine the 10 most satisfying jobs, we looked at the top 50 Best Jobs, not the entire top 100.

Source: CNNMoney.com/PayScale.com survey of more than 35,000 workers


职业名称 英/中 最佳职业排名 社会责任履行满意度

1.Physician/General Practice. 全科医师 19. 77.4%

2.Physician/Obstetrician/Gynecologist .内科/妇产科医师 22. 72.7%

3.Intelligence Analyst. 情报分析员 9. 71.9%

4.Veterinarian. 兽医 25. 58.2%

5.Human Resources Manager. 人力资源经理 20. 78.9%

6.Clinical Psychologist. 临床心理学家 23.76.0%

7.Physician Assistant. 医师助理 2. 67.0%

8.Anesthesiologist. 麻醉师 11. 66.7%

9.Nurse Practitioner. 护士 4. 65.7%

10.Speech-Language Pathologist. 言语障碍治疗师 27. 65.7%

From the November 2009 issue

Source: CNNMoney.com/PayScale.com survey of more than 35,000 workers




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