
Influence of The Development of Civil Engineering

in Our Life

Abstract:With the social and economic development and modern science and technology increasingly advanced,civil engineering has been considerable development. In the process of rapid development, it is inevitable to bring huge influence on the environment of economic development. Through reviewing the development of civil engineering, we find that now it is a good time that the civil engineering develops with the development of national economy. The good development environment has attracted the attention from the globe. To realize the harmonious development of human being and environment and build beautiful homes, we should adhere to the path of sustainable development. Therefore, it is an important issue that protect ecological environment, conserve land, and deal with the relationship between society and economy, and realize the sustainable development with the development of civil engineering.

Keyword:civil engineering ;environment;development;construction

1.Overview of Civil Engineering

Civil engineering refers to the general name of housing, highway, railway, bridge, hydraulic, harbor engineering, underground etc. It is very obvious and important to the country's economic construction and people's life. And civil engineering is closely related to human survival and reproduction of the four basic elements: clothing, food, housing, travel, to provide mankind with modern human life and the development of the necessary space.

Civil engineering is an ancient subject.The ancient civil engineering has a long time span, in this period of time, due to the development of scientific theory is very slow, there is no breakthrough in the development of civil engineering. With the progress of human society, civil engineering has evolved into large-scale comprehensive discipline which has many branches, such as architectural engineering, railway engineering, road engineering, bridge engineering, water supply and drainage engineering, water conservancy engineering.

The development of civil engineering has experienced the ancient experience of civil construction, modern mechanical civil construction and the construction of modern information technology. With the development of science and technology, the concept of civil engineering construction is constantly updated. And with the use of new materials, new technologies and new technologies, the construction of the project has become more and more extensive. Our life has become more convenient with the improvement of civil engineering technology. The development of civil engineering construction technology is bound to provide more and more powerful guarantee for the development of human and human life.

Since the reform and opening up, China is committed to in social development, economic and technology development, and constantly sum up the lessons of history, learn from experience, innovative ideas, reform and development mode, so as to promote the development of our country, such as new equipment, new technology and

new materials. Civil engineering staff innovation will bring into the building construction, especially the mechanical automation facilities have been applied to civil engineering construction, which greatly promoted the civil engineering toward modernization and intelligent direction.

2.Development trend of Civil Engineering

2.1 Information technology in Civil Engineering Management

At present, the application of information technology has made the global industry information is very convenient. We can easily get the latest technology using internet.

2.2 Development of new and high technology

As the environment changes rapidly, the structure will be different degrees of damage or performance degradation, which will affect the bearing capacity and durability, and even lead to serious accidents, it cause significant casualties and economic losses resulting in serious social influence. Therefore, from the construction of a moment, we must do a good job in health monitoring, repair and reinforcement of the preparation.

With the rapid development of modern sensor technology, computer and communication technology, the signal analysis and processing technology and structural dynamic analysis theory, people put forward the concept of structural health monitoring, which for the development of civil engineering bring revolutionary change.

2.3Application of building materials and construction technology in the development of high performance building materials

The high performance concrete with less segregation. It can be preserved for a long time. High performance concrete has good toughness, high strength and volume stability. It can maintain the original nature in the bad environment.

2.4 Underground, desert, ocean are the development direction of Civil Engineering With the rapid development of the construction industry, building space resources has become an important factor restricting the development of the construction industry. The development of space resources is a very effective way to solve the problem of building space resources. In our country, there are underground space, desert, ocean and space. In fact, our country in the civil engineering development process has been in the gradual development of these space resources, for example, the existing subway, underground parking is the embodiment of the use of underground space. China is also developing the ocean and desert resources. So the future development trend of our country is to develop to the underground, the ocean and the desert.

3 Some problems in the development of civil engineering in China

Despite the rapid development of civil engineering in our country, there are still a lot of question. It has a certain impact on the healthy development of civil society and the environment and society.

3.1 Some problems in planning and design

Planning and design is the premise of the project construction, it is directly related to the quality and use of future projects. If there are problems in the planning and design, it will lose a lot. Many projects do not pay attention to the planning and design,

such as some projects started after long time no management, some water conservancy project dam due to the unreasonable design and planning resulting in a lot of problem in the process.Highway design and planning is not reasonable resulting in some sections of the road traffic accidents. These problems frequently appear to bring plenty of loss to the state enterprises.

3.2 Some quality problems

Quality problem is generally produced in the process of construction, some construction process was not seriously in accordance with the design requirements of the construction cut corners in the construction process. For example, some of the building's underground water leakage, some of the road repair a few years will be re renovated, and some of the buildings collapsed and collapsed bridges caused casualties and economic losses. Quality problems will bring many negative effects, Reconstruction not only waste resources and pollute the environment, and the society will make people lack of trust.

3.3 Some environmental problems

In the civil engineering construction process, the environment will have a great impact, such as the construction of a railway or highway will have a certain impact on the environment along the road. In the process of building a reservoir or dam will also make the ecological environment in the river changes, while build a building will cause air pollution and noise pollution in the urban areas. How to solve these problems which the development of civil engineering face are important for us.

3.4 The influence of civil engineering on the ecological environment

(1) Occupation of land

Large number of highway, railway and real estate construction, occupy a lot of farmland, the possession of land resources is permanent and is great influence on agricultural production and farmers.

(2) Change the ecological environment

Some civil engineering will change the original terrain, topography, resulting in the destruction of vegetation. For example the influence of the Three Gorges Project on the ecological environment and is very wide, including the Three Gorges Reservoir influence most direct and significant, in the Yangtze River basin also exist significant impact, and some people even think that the Three Gorges Project will make global climate and ocean environment has undergone major changes.

(3) The influence of rare animals and plants

If the highway passes through the vicinity of Nature Reserve, it may affect the living environment of wild animals, or damaged some rare plants, affecting the biological diversity.

4 Combined with the sustainable development strategy to solve the current problems

The sustainable development is one of the main guiding ideas for the development of the world, and the development of civil engineering is also one of the main ideas. In order to promote environmental protection to make more efficient use of resources, the next, to talk about the current development of China's civil engineering in the process of solving the problem of sustainable development.

4.1 The sustainable development of civil engineering planning and design

The planning and design of civil engineering must be focused, it doesn’t allowed to have any mistakes. Therefore, in the process of planning and design, the designer can not only rely on the theory, there should be a field study, in order to design the sustainable designers should actively carry out some green design, the project to adapt to the local environment. In short, in the design process combined with sustainable development strategy to make the construction planning more reasonable, while the building in the use of the process can play a greater efficiency.

4.2 The sustainable development of civil engineering construction

Construction process is prone to quality problems, so the construction should be in accordance with the standard construction, the construction process to deal with the details, as well as technical points, to ensure the quality of construction. In order to realize the strategy of sustainable development of civil engineering requirements, in the construction of material selection is to strictly and civil engineering construction need a lot of material application, once the material problems will lead to civil engineering suffered a serious impact. Therefore, attention should be paid to material selection. First, the selection of construction materials should conform to the state standards, which is no pollution and safe.Second, to ensure not to cut corners.

4.3 Sustainable development of civil engineering for the solution of environmental problems

Construction of roads, railways, water conservancy projects for environmental impact greater. When railway or highway through the wild animal protection zone, a line may segregate on both sides of the road, so that the animal cannot migration, in order to reduce project on environmental impact. The Qinghai Tibet Railway in order to solve this problem,left a channel below the road, so that animals can through it. In short, facing these problems we can solved, as long as we think of ways.


Civil engineering is an important project of the national economy and the people's livelihood, the modern civil engineering has changed our life, it has become more and more important to us. The population is rapidly increasing at present, the world population has more than 6 billion. By the end of twenty-first Century, the population is expected to be close to 10 billion. At the same time, the earth's land resources are limited, and due to the consumption of the transition and increasingly depleted. In order to achieve the unity of civil engineering construction and environmental protection, the sustainable development of ecology and economy must be done.

We must rational use of resources via the theory and method of modern environmental science.There are plans to protect the environment,prevent the deterioration of environmental quality, control and treatment of pollution of the environment.

Civil engineering is closely related to our daily life. In the future, our living environment will become more and more severe. In recent years, due to the frequent occurrence of disasters, the performance has become the primary subject of structural structure development. The future building structure must resist earthquake, wind, storm, tsunami,fire,collision, radiation, etc.. Due to the progress of science,technology

and economic prosperity, it will bring to the development of civil engineering in the spring.


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