
全国英语等级考试第二级2017年3月试题 第一节


1. What is the woman going to do?

A. Have a coffee.

B. Clean her office.

C. Attend a meeting.

2. What does the woman ask for?

A. A dress of different size.

B. A dress of better quality.

C. A dress of a bright color.

3. What does the man want to do?

A. Borrow a ladder.

B. Take his leave.

C. Clean the roof.

4. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Go to the man’s place.

B. Call the Hillsboro Hotel.

C. Reserve an exhibition hall.

5. Where are the speakers?

A. At home.

B. In a museum.

C. In the city square.




6. Why has the man hardly seen the woman lately?

A. She had a traffic accident.

B. She moved to another place.

C. She is working unusual hours.

7. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In an office.

B. At a bus stop.

C. In an apartment.


8. What does the man have to do now?

A. Plan a trip.

B. Look for a job.

C. Make a decision.

9. What does the woman think of the journey to South America?

A. Dangerous.

B. Exciting.

C. Expensive.

10. What advice does the woman give to the man?

A. Going abroad.

B. Staying at home.

C. Opening a bookstore.


11. What is the radio program for?

A. Sharing personal feelings.

B. Discussing language skills.

C. Promoting community service.

12. What is the second point Prof. Sheffield mentioned?

A. To give details and facts.

B. To introduce main ideas.

C. To conclude the article.

13. What makes an excellent article according to Prof. Sheffield?

A. Formal language.

B. Detailed facts.

C. Personal style.


14. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A summer job.

B. A birthday party.

C. A food company.

15. What does the man’s company do?

A. Design furniture.

B. Organize concerts.

C. Offer food services.

16. What will the man do before the party?

A. Set tables.

B. Cook food.

C. Play music.

17. What does the woman think of the man’s work?

A. Difficult.

B. Interesting.

C. Valuable.


18. What do the Hoffmans do for a living?

A. They are gardeners.

B. They sell vegetables.

C. They run a guesthouse.

19. How much direct sunshine to tomato plants actually need every day?

A. Five hours.

B. Eight hours.

C. Twelve hours.

20. Why do Irish potatoes grow better in the shade?

A. They have deeper roots.

B. They have wider leaves.

C. They have bigger flowers.


Text 1

M: What about coming to my place for a coffee, Mary?

W: I can’t, John. I’ve got a meeting at ten o’clock, so I have to go to my office now. Another time, maybe.

Text 2

W: The dress I’m trying on is too small. Do you have a larger size?

M: Yes, but not in that color. We have a larger one in red.

W: Red? Red would be lovely.

M: Here you are.

Text 3

M: Linda, could you hold this ladder? I need to get onto the roof.

W: Sure. Why are you doing that?

M: I want to clear the leaves off the roof.

Text 4

M: Are you going to the exhibition in Sydney next week, Ellen?

W: Well, I was planning to, but I haven’t been able to reserve a hotel room.

M: Have you tried the Hillsboro Hotel? They might still have space. And it’s not too far from the exhibition hall.

Text 5

W: Why on earth are we inside on such a beautiful day?

M: Well it was you who wanted to spend the day at a museum.

W: Shall we leave now and take a walk outside in the city square?

Text 6

W: Hi, Don! So nice to see you.

M: Pam! Where have you been for the last three months? I never see you anymore.

W: Oh, I’ve been working strange hours these days. I don’t see much of anyone anymore.

M: Well, I understand. I wish I could stay and talk, but here comes my bus. Why don’t we go out sometime? W: I’d like that. Call me soon.

M: Sure. Are you still living in the same apartment?

W: On Walker Avenue.

M: Okay. Take care!

W: Yeah, you too. Catch you later!

Text 7

M: I’ll have to make a choice soon about next year. I’ve got a chance to go on a six-month journey to South America, but I’ve just been offered a job in a bookshop here.

W: Wow, South America? How could you say no?

M: Well, believe it or not, I don’t have a burning desire to see the world. I’d much prefer just to stay at home. Anyway, it’s hard to decide.

W: Well, I would strongly advise you to think of the future. Working abroad is much more exciting than working in a small town. You’re lucky to have a choice. A lot of people don’t.

Text 8

W: This is Word Master on Radio 4. Today we have professor Danny Sheffield from Arkansas Community College. Okay Danny, could you tell us how to produce a good piece of writing in college?

M: Well, one of the basic things about any writing is to remember three key points: number one, say what

you’re going to say. So you’re telling the reader what you’re going to write about, and maybe also your opinion in the beginning part. The second thing is: say it. And here’s where you provide details and facts to support what you have stated. And the third part is: say it again. Conclude the main parts of your article and re-state the key points that you’ve made, and what you want your readers to understand.

W: Uh, what really separates an excellent article from the average ones?

M: I would say it’s a personal voice. Because people respond to such an article much more easily. So if you want to touch the reader’s feelings, your natural voice will help. That puts your writing more into the excellent type, rather than, “Oh, this is a good formal article.”

Text 9

W: I can’t believe it’s almost summer.

M: Yeah, I know. The year went really fast.

W: What are you going to do this summer vacation?

M: I’m going to work for a company.

W: A company? What’s that? What do you do?

M: We help at parties. Our company prepares and serves the food. And usually, another company provides the music.

W: I didn’t know you could cook.

M: I don’t have to cook. I’m only an assistant.

W: When do you start?

M: Tomorrow. We’re helping a birthday party. Then, a big family get-together.

W: So, what exactly do you do?

M: Before the party starts, I help set everything up. You know, bring the food in and arrange the tables. Make sure it looks nice.

W: Sounds pretty easy.

M: That’s only the first part. During the party, I have to serve food and drinks to the guests.

W: Well, at least you get to meet people.

M: Yeah. And after the party is finished, I help clean up.

W: Yuck. I hate to wash dishes.

M: Oh, I don’t wash dishes. Someone else does. I just put everything in the trunk.

W: That’s not so bad. Sounds like a cool job.

Text 10

W: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the program. We all know plants need sunshine to grow. But actually, not all vegetables need lots of sunshine. Mark Hoffman and his wife own a guesthouse in Kempton, Illinois. They often serve their guests fresh vegetables from their garden. For almost ten years, the Hoffmans have been experimenting with shade plantings. Curious visitors often ask how they do it. Here is the answer: they grow tomatoes near the trees that produce a lot of shade. Tomato plants grow as long as they get five hours a day of direct sunshine, especially morning sun. This goes against the traditional advice that tomatoes need eight, even twelve hours a day of full sun. In fact, plants and tree roots can share something in common. Besides tomatoes, the Hoffmans grow Irish potatoes. Plants with wider leaves seem to do better in shady environments. The potatoes grow better in the shade than in full sun.


1~5 CACBB 6~10 CBCBA

11~15 BACAC 16~20 ABCAB


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