



The analysis of the cultural differences in The Gua Sha Treatment

学 生 姓 名 杜 欢 专 业 班 级 英语专业2012-2 任 课 教 师 赵 燕 完 成 时 间 2015年7月

The analysis of the cultural differences in The Gua Sha Treatment


The story takes place in the central Mississippi River in Saint Louis city. Xu Datong to the United States for eight years who have a successful career and happy family. In the annual industry awards, he excitedly told people: I lovⅠⅠe the United States, my dream of the United States has finally come to realize! But then a unexpected surprise made his dream awakened. He son is five years old Dennis downtown belly fever,only his Grandpa in house, but Grandpa can not read the drug instructions in English.So he use Chinese folk spread Guasha therapy to heal Dennis that become the accident Dennis after he abuse child’s evidence. In the court, the testimony of the witness make Xu Datong beyond dispute. Based on anatomy and western theories ,it can not be explained by the Chinese medicine. Face prosecution lawyers of Chinese traditional culture and moral norms of

In the frequent exchange of world culture, the local culture is undoubtedly impacted by the foreign heterogeneous culture. How to keep the position of the Chinese culture, and promote its reasonable absorption of heterogeneous ingredients,

towards the direction of self-improvement, it has become a common concern of the people of insight in China.

Ⅱ. Analyze the differences between Chinese and Western cultures from the following aspects:


After some misunderstanding, Xu Datong's boss would have to go to court to help him, but to see the photos of small Dennis for Gua Sha and the scar who is no longer speak. It is caused Xu Datong strong dissatisfaction,and he think his boss is not a friend. He resigned directly from the court,and talk about his boss,

In this story, we can see the concept of the rule of law in Americans and the rule of education in China of a little trace.

2.System and child protection

American Bureau of child welfare, the agency for the Chinese people is certainly very strange, Xu Datong lived in the US for eight years has not paid attention to the United States Bureau of child welfare. Such a social welfare institutions, the authority has huge power, once identified children abused, they have the power to deprive the custody of the child, whether the guardian is a parent, or someone else. American children's view is different from the Chinese. Chinese people for the children the concept of is which family the children which care,and the child is the private property of the family. The American children's view is set up on the basis of natural rights, which human rights cannot be denied, from the children born with countries who has the citizens right. However, from the traditional view of Chinese people,

monarch wants to die, the minister had to die; the father to son death, son had to die.

So far, the incident of domestic violence child abuse still occurred frequently, even if the child abuse of the child's parents, the whole society will be highly tolerated and even recognized in China. In the school is still filial education, obedient, tame elders, become a good child standards,but personality, freedom and assertive in the Chinese traditional culture is not the way. The lack of freedom, equality and fraternity in the traditional Chinese culture. Americans set Child Welfare Bureau and dedicated guardian of the child's safety, Chinese people can not understand.It is impossible to set such institutions. Therefore, China there are millions of street children stray on the streets ignominiously. The Chinese don't think this is a great thing. In the present rural China, killing adults to bear the legal responsibility, but killing a child often only need private, lose money, because Chinese people think children are minors who are not a real person. Therefore, it could not think that it is murder.

From the detail, we can see the obvious differences between Chinese and Western culture. China is a large country of population, we must realize the importance of protecting children, and let them grow up in the environment of harmonious and civilization. Every family should have enough consciousness of thought,and the government should strengthen education and propaganda that to give the child a wonderful childhood.


In the culture of individualism, the individual's goal is to focus on the collective, and in the culture of collectivism, it is the opposite.The Chinese people think that all the behavior of the individual must be the highest standards of the family's collective interests. So they neglect the value of individual interests and individual rights.In the beginning of the story, Datong’s son Dennis hit the boss’s son Paul. Datong immediately calls Dennis to apologize to Paul, but Quinlan think that fighting is normal and there is no question of the apology.Thus, in the views of the Chinese parents, some blame or beating on the children is one of love for their children, which

are full of the expectation of their children to become useful. So we have thousands of years old maxim: “The lack of children‘s education is the fault of father”.

In Western's eyes, this kind of behavior is very strange. West countries emphasize democracy and freedom, which are not only performance of national, racial, but also present in many families. In a West family, each member including male and female, regardless of age, is equal and each member is entitled to full democracy and freedom.Quinlin (boss): “I just told the truth! You should not hit Dennis!”

Datong: “Why I hit him? Why? My own son! I hit him for showing respect for you! To give you face! Do you know?”

Quinlin: “What a mess China's logic, how can you hit the child to show face for me!”

Datong: “incomprehensible!”

The “mess” logic that Quinlin said can be quite understandable by Chinese people. So what’s the reason of that mistake? Here has to talk about the concept of the Chinese people's face. One Chinese writer Lin Yutang said in his article《face and the rule of law》, “ Chinese people's face, not only for wash, it also can be scratched, and can be lose, and can be toured, and can be fighting for, and sometimes it seems to the be first meaning to struggle for face in life.”Whether a person is rich or poor, superior or inferior people, face are wanted for everyone. However, in the United States, this is a logic that just can not be understood, as Quinlan stated in the film.


There is no denying the fact that we will confront many culture clashes during the, just like the film performed. At the same time, they are not the clashes that we can not avoid. In the film, Quinlin has made a through the way of coming to China and experiencing what’s Guasha. As a consequence, successful intercultural communications can be taken if people have the willing to know each others culture.

At the same time, we need to keep learning. The Chinese people's the face problem is very important. I think the problem in need of correction,the face problem

in a certain extent will hinder our development and growth,and will become a block to the development of ourselves.So regardless of the face of own or others,, we have to deal with common attitude, not reckless and impulsive. Respect for cultural difference.

Under the background of globalization,the increasingly frequent bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields.Multiculturalism is a popular social ideological trend nowadays.We should makes a study on the multicultural culture from three aspects: connotation, history and reality, and puts forward the world of multiculturalism, and correctly deal with the relationship between the conflicts and the fusion of many cultures. First of all, we should admit cultures is equal no good or bad, in some ways they can be complementary. In intercultural communication, we should beware of to the nation's values to understand and measure each others culture, and should be through a variety of channels to spread and development our culture.


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